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Holmgang ???

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Location: Auckland

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:14 am     Holmgang ??? Reply with quote

I did some fighting on the weekend and we decided to do something a bit different. We had seven fighters and split them into groups of 2, 2 and 3. The groups fought each other in turn, so it was always one group against another and not three groups having a free for all.

Each group had one person with a dane axe and the others with only shields.

Only the person with the axe could kill people, and the shieldmen would try to cover them. There was a lot of pushing and shoving, and it seemed that the best strategy was to give the biggest guy the axe Very Happy

I thought at the time that the Norse had something similar called a holmgang, but I believe now that may have just been the name for a normal duel.

If anyone knows of any historical basis for two pairs fighting like this, I'd love to know of it. Thanks.

A book may be able to teach you something of fighting, but it can't cover your back when the shield wall breaks up!
Snorri the Mad

Location: la la land

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:56 am      Reply with quote

i can't remember what book it was but similar fighting was used,

when someone was challenged they would fight in the middle of a circle, the circle had a line down the middle that the participants couldn't cross there was the two people on each side one just had a shield and could only block the other had the weapon (he was the one who was doing the challenge) the two guys would take turns performing a strike, they could not target the shieldbearer, they had to target the other weapon weilding guy, the shieldbearer had to try and and protect his mate. they continued trading blows until first blood or whatever the conditions of the fight were met.

when next we met ill be able to describe it a lot better with diagrams

they're coming, they're coming, they're coming to take me away ha ha he he ho ho those nice young men in their shiny white coats, they're coming to take me away, he he ha ha ho ho

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:34 am      Reply with quote


Four warriors with staffs form a square about ten to twenty paces apart.
Two fighters enter the square. Then it`s a fight to the death. I seem to recall, that under old norse law, the match could also be decided if one fighter caused the other to flee the square ?
Running a holmganger is a good display feature and really gets the public imagination.
-Think of it as a gladiator match for vikings..

A Dane Axe beats two aces anytime.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:18 pm     Re: Holmgang ??? Reply with quote

Here is a writeup on the Hólmgang and Einvigi. It might have something useful in there if you havent already seen it.

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